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stasher's giving tuesday

#GivingTuesday: Plastic-Free Seas & Fire Survivors

It’s finally that wonderful time of year when we all get in the giving spirit. Whether we’re donating to a worthy cause or just helping a neighbor, it feels SO good to be generous.

Giving Tuesday is an excellent reminder to give back after a long weekend of Black Friday sales and special offers. There are some amazing causes and fundraisers happening worldwide, and we have a couple of our own.

First, we want to extend a HUGE thank you to everyone who placed an order between Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It was our pledge to donate $1 for every stasher bag purchased to our friends at 5 Gyres. And with your amazing support we’re writing a check for…

stasher donates to 5 gyres for plastic-free seas

5 Gyres is our partner in the fight for plastic-free oceans. Their mission is to empower action against the global health crisis of plastic pollution through science, education, and adventure. They’ve explored more than 50,000 miles of ocean and developed 18 annual research expeditions where they investigate unanswered questions about plastic pollution. In 2018 alone, 5 Gyres organized 16 beach cleanups, 42 ocean trawls and so much more. They’ve also ignited the Zero Waste Cities movement pushing for circular solutions to local waste and plastic pollution problems. Find more amazing info at

5 Gyres team beach cleanup

As it is our mission to eliminate plastic waste, it is our honor to support 5 Gyres in all of their endeavors toward safer, healthier, plastic-free seas. This is our biggest donation EVER and will sponsor a 5 Gyres expedition in 2019!

We’re so excited that our support-- and YOUR support-- for our partners is growing by the day, because it doesn’t stop here. As a member of 1% for the Planet, stasher contributes to eco and social-based non-profits like 5 Gyres all year every year.

And so, we ask you all to dig a little deeper and help us do even more!

For this Giving Tuesday, help support our neighbors who’ve survived the Camp Fire in Northern California.

donate to camp fire survivors

The fire has been contained, and the smoke has cleared here in the Bay Area, but people are still in desperate need. Please click the link below to donate to the North Valley Community Foundation and stasher will MATCH. EVERY. DOLLAR. The NVCF team is providing priceless assistance to the evacuation shelters that have opened their doors to people who have lost everything. A donation of $10 or more will automatically enter you to win 2 stasher multi-packs, and we’ll be choosing 5 generous donors to win!

donate to camp fire survivors with stasher

Once again, THANK YOU so much for all of your unbelievable generosity! From all of us at stasher, happy holidays!