The Coffee-Not-Coffee Zero Caffeine Smoothie Recipe
Are you a coffee or a tea person? This question always stumps me. I used to always be a coffee person, but after switching to a less-caffeinated lifestyle, I became the biggest tea-fiend! If you're like me, you miss the taste and smell of coffee. Something about it smells like home. Last year, I found chicory coffee, and let me tell you it has been a game changer! Here's why:
It's anti-inflammatory. Because it's made from chicory root instead of coffee beans, it's less acidic. There's zero caffeine! So unlike decaf coffee containing trace amounts of caffeine, you can be sure this is at zero. Chicory may also help decrease blood sugar levels and it's great for the gut. It can also be swapped in all coffee recipes! So back to this herbal coffee smoothie, it tastes just like a frothy full-caf frappe. And who doesn't love an iced coffee in the summer?
For this recipe, we're going zero-waste and dairy free by using homemade cashew milk! Not to mention, it's still #PlasticFreeJuly. I grabbed my cashew pieces at a local co-op and stored them in my stasher bag. I also grabbed the zucchini in this recipe from the farmer's market. I freeze all of my frozen fruits and veggies in stashers as well!
The Coffee-Not-Coffee Smoothie
Cashew Milk
- 1/2 cup of cashews
- 3 cups filtered water
Chicory Coffee
- 1 Tbsp chicory coffee blend (you can find this at your local co-op or purchase online from mountain rose herbs)
- 1 cup hot water
- 1 cup fresh cashew milk
- 1 cup chilled chicory coffee
- 1 cup steamed then frozen green or yellow zucchini
- 1 cup ice
- 1 frozen banana
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp cardamom
- 1 tsp ginger
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp local honey
- optional - collagen peptides or protein powder
Make It
(Makes about 2 servings)
Cashew Milk
- Combine cashews and filtered water in a high-speed blender. Blend for about a minute or until frothy and smooth. No straining required! Set aside or chill in the fridge. Fresh cashew milk will only be good for a couple days, so use it as a dairy replacement in anything and store it in the fridge.
Chicory Coffee
- Chicory coffee steeps just like tea. So in a small tea maker, combine hot water and coffee blend for about 5 minutes. I do it this long because I like it really strong for the smoothie. Set aside and let chill. You can also do this the night before, just steep the chicory blend in cold water in the fridge overnight for a cold-brew.
- Combine all ingredients in a blender until frothy and thick! Enjoy!
This post was written by Mara Davanzati, the goddess of energy food and holistic wellness over at nourishsankalpa.com. Connect with Mara on Instagram at @nourish.sankalpa!